【中英】Shasha | Ten-Year Triumph in the Fashion Industry

发布时间:2024-08-06 03:52  浏览量:24



When discussing models of Xinjiang origin, one name is sure to come up—"Shasha." This girl with her wheat-colored skin exudes her beauty and radiant smile in front of the camera.


Shasha's full name is Kawsaray Yalkun, and she comes from Aksu in Xinjiang. Some have said that Shasha doesn't look like someone from Xinjiang. However, if you have the fortune to meet her, you will find that she is "very Xinjiang."


The "very" here does not refer to her fitting the stereotypical appearance that people associate with Xinjiang, but rather to the inherent temperament that resonates with the essence of Xinjiang—a temperament as passionate and dazzling as Xinjiang's summer, always brimming with vitality.


Shasha has been in the modeling industry for more than ten years. Whenever an old classmate sees her videos on social media, they always leave a comment: " Why are you still the same old way?"


This sentence seems to sum up Shasha's past ten years: Time seems to have pressed the pause button on Shasha.


Ten years have not left obvious marks on her face, and more importantly, after going through the ordeal of the modeling industry, Shasha still maintains the sunshine, lively and unique spirituality she had when she first entered the industry.


This unchanged purity makes her unique in the complicated fashion industry.


Ten years ago, Shasha was still an eighteen-year-old girl who was green and entered the modeling industry under the guidance of her predecessors. Today, ten years later, Shasha has founded her own wedding photography studio and weaved wedding dreams for countless new couples.


It can be said that as the audience, we have witnessed Shasha's growth over the past ten years, and Shasha has also become our constant memory of youth.



Keep a low profile and then make a great splash


In 2018, Shasha was famous for on the short video platform. In the video, she was dressed in a pure white wedding dress, with a confident and happy smile on her face. Behind this success, in fact, it is Shasha's many years of silent

perseverance and hard work.


Shasha's cousin is a professional model, she watched her cousin's fashion show since she was a child and expressed her deep admire and longing for it. Her cousin saw that Shasha's physical conditions are very suitable and then encouraged Shasha to go to a model training institution to participate in the training and try the path of professional model after the summer vacation who was graduating from high school.


Expect take a lead to Shasha, her cousin put forward some suggestions that she still benefited by herself until now, that is to treat carefully her appearance in the first time, and be fully prepared before starting to accept the first order of business and take the first fashion show step:


"The first fashion show determines your starting point, also determines ending point. if you perform well, you will definitely be invited continuesly, but you don't perform well, also remembered by people, and then no one looking for you."


So after half a year of professional training, Shasha stepped out her first step of model career with confidence.


Even passed ten years,Shasha is still remembered her first order was came from the local clothing brand saihelan in Xinjiang. That fashion show's compensation is not high, the person in charge gave the models red envelopes that only containing three pieces of red paper. Shasha is cherish three hundred yuan, so she didn't celebrate, however after the activity ended, she spent one yuan on the bus and return back to school.


After the first trying, there is the second one, the third one, her every appearance on stage is more and more confident and mature. And thus she attracted many photographer's attention.


One of the photographer told to Shasha that her performance could totally be considered to try the field of photographic models with more considerable income, and recommended her to several photographers who is another place.


However, at that time Shasha was still studying in Xinjiang, and only have the experience of fashion show on the stage, without taking part in the shooting, and this daydream just ended up in nothing.


The turning point occurred at the beginning of 2017. When she was in her senior year, Shasha came to Lijiang, Yunnan for an internship.


At that time, a photographer just in Yunnan. Seeing the shared location in Shasha's moments, he then invited Shasha to carry out the shooting. The shooting effect of this time made the photographer very satisfied, and this series of photos also quickly became popular in the photography circle. In this way, Shasha successfully opened up the mainland market before graduating from the college.


Keep a low profile and then make a great splash.


Shasha's experience in entering this industry can be summarized with this just sentence.



Parents are always the most reliable supporters


Anyone who sees the picture of Shasha for the first time is struck by her smile, an expressiveness that comes from her cheerfulness and confidence. To this, Shasha attributes more to her family.


Shasha graduated from college in 2017, by which time she was already known in the modeling world by many photographers and job offers were pouring in. At this point, Chengdu seemed more suitable for her modeling career than Xinjiang. So, once she graduated from college she decided to head to Chengdu. Shasha is not worried about her parents, as they have always been very supportive of her decisions and have supported her in any way they could while growing up.


Although her parents are both teachers, they have never demanded excellence in Shasha's studies, but only wanted her to be down-to-earth and to learn by heart. In her childhood, Shasha used to look in the mirror and pick at herself, thinking her eyes weren't big enough and her lips were too thin, which her parents always gently corrected and told her:


Accepting and cherishing your true self is far more important than blindly chasing after external beauty, and such an attitude is the source of self-confidence and charm.


It is this family environment that has allowed Shasha to develop a sunny, confident personality, so she is able to face both school and life with ease. From a young age, Shasha has good grades, and she was admitted to the mainland middle school class and the mainland high school class. At the college entrance exam, she enrolled in the teacher training program with the idea that it would be good for her to become a teacher. Even at the college level, where she was a part-time model, she maintained her academic performance at an excellent level.


"Family will always love you, but because of different experiences, there may be all sorts of incomprehension between you. Nonetheless I still wish young people would listen to their hearts more."Shasha had this to say about the potential for young people to have differing views with their families on future planning.


With the confidence given by her family, Shasha wholeheartedly believes she can make a difference in her chosen path.


So, after a long talk with her parents, in 2017, Shasha took a sum of money from her parents and embarked on a flight to Chengdu to start her professional modeling career.



Work philosophy: stay happy and keep learning


Shasha's outgoing personality is a sharp contrast to her meticulous work attitude. On the set, not only can she rapidly switch to work mode and complete every shot meticulously, but she can also instantly become the team's barrel of laughs.


Wedding photography requires that models draped in the heavy wedding dresses day after day for more than 300 days a year, shuttling between various outdoor scenes. When the shooting does not go well sometimes, the atmosphere of the scene becomes solemn, Shasha always tells a joke or makes a face to adjust the atmosphere and drive everyone's emotions.


Staying happy is the first work philosophy of Shasha.


Another of Shasha's work philosophy is to keep learning, which is also the most basic requirement of her parents as teachers.


In the forth grade in University, Shasha, who has cut a striking figure in modeling industry, was busy with photography for a period of time and slacked off her studies. Her parents reminded her to step up her courses. Her father told her, "Learning is unconsciously influencing people's values and ways of doing things. No matter what you do in the future, you all need the blessing of culture."


Having been in the modeling industry for ten years, Shasha is well aware of the fierce competition among this industry, and also understands that it is difficult for her to gain a long-term foothold just by temporary beauty or luck. Therefore, when faced with youngsters who want to give up their study and are eager to devote themselves to modeling, Shasha always persuades them patiently not to give up their studies.


The habit of learning has always been with Shasha. Currently, at the hard-won time without working tasks, Shasha watches various literary films and fashion magazines to develop her aesthetic abilities. At the same time, she takes photos with her mobile phone and observes them from all angles to look for areas for improvement. This continuous learning has also had a visible effect: Shasha's productivity on set has increased a lot. On set, she can rapidly communicate with any photographer effectively and work with them to find the best angle and take the highest quality photos.



For ten years, Shasha has witnessed the gradual disappearance of misunderstanding


In the past, the modeling industry, especially the segment of wedding dress modeling, has endured many misunderstandings and prejudices for a long time. Shasha's ten-year growth path has also witnessed the gradual dissolution of these misunderstandings.


In 2018, Shasha went viral on media platforms. In those reels, she wore different wedding dresses and took wedding photos in different styles. This is actually very different from the traditional concept of the public perception. Most people believe that the wedding dress is exclusive to the wedding day, and the videos of Shasha's behavior of frequently changing her wedding dress to take pictures inevitably triggered curiosity and misunderstanding, so people often ask the question "Why does this girl often wear a wedding dress to take pictures."


But gradually, through the sharing of wedding models just like Shasha, wedding modeling, a profession that is both romantic and creative, is being recognized by more people. People began to understand that wedding dress modeling exists to help newcomers who are about to enter the marriage hall to preview what happiness will look like in advance and to pick out the one that suits them best.


At the same time,Shasha also witnessed the change in people's perception of the modeling profession. In the early days, the normality and social recognition of the modeling profession were not high. In the initial stage of her career, Shasha also faced doubts and question. However, with the increasing visibility of the modeling profession, models like Shasha have shown the professional and artistry of the modeling work through the output of high-quality content. The public has gradually realized that the modeling industry is a legitimate profession that requires professional skills, aesthetic vision and unremitting efforts.


It's especially gratifying to Shasha that when she returned to Xinjiang to participate in various activities in recent years, she found that the attitudes of her hometown were also quietly changing.


The modeling industry, once regarded as an unconventional career path, now receives increasing understanding and support from parents. They began to realize that this industry not only provides children with a stage to showcase themselves and fulfill their dreams, but also helps develop their aesthetic awareness, professional skills and independence.


Shasha's ten years can also be said to be the ten years when the modeling industry was objectively recognized by more people.



Some suggestions for the younger models


In 2018, Shasha applied for her own self media account, and, since then, she has been sharing her own daily life there, and many young people who are interested in the occupation of modeling have communiacation with her by means of the platfrom.


Shasha knew deeply how important it is to have someone to guide a new hand as what she had gone through had taught her.


She has gratitude from the bottom of her heart to two people: her cousin and Kayser, who is also a model from xinjiang.


Her cousin, who is quite experienced, guided her to the proper way. And when she first came to Chengdu, it was Kayser that introduced Shasha to more photographer. Therefore,Shasha is now quite willing to share her expriences and opinions to the younger generation, just like her cousin and Kayser did.


Pursuing beauty is universal for all human beings. Shasha acknowledges that craving for beauty, but when it comes to being a professional model, she hopes that the youngsters can avoid some unnecessary mistakes.


During the interview, Shasha shared her opinion on that, which can be concluded into three words: persistence,uniqueness and appropriateness.


For persistence: If you want to make a choice, you have to give up the other side and stick to it.


Many people have a stereotype that it is easy for models to be famous overnignt. It is true that Shasha has experienced that overnight fame. Her videos went viral unexpectedly and her photos could be seen everywhere in the internet. And same thing happened a lot of time in this industry. It seems that the internet has facilitated the overnight fame for models. But only Shasha knows that it is not the case and the reality is that behind the fame lies the persistence that few people know.


If the luck consist of the one out of ten of the fame, then the persistence consist of the rest.


Before the overnight fame in the summer in 2018, Shasha had walked for hundreds of fashion shows and done thousands of photoshooting, which few people know. And that is why Shasha hopes that the youngsters that decide to take up this job can get rid of the idea of taking advantages of the short way and choose to be persistent and concentrated.


For uniqueness.


'You don't look like people from Xinjiang ''Look how taned you are.' Even after being a professional model, Shasha still has to face the quetioning outside.She agrees that compared to other girls in Xinjiang, she is not the typical gorgeaous beauty.


'From the making up and clothing style to the way of dealing with people, every little detail can decide your uniqueness and this is critical whether you can be thought of by a photographer if he wants to shoot a particular style.


This requires the model to be more natural in their daily life and be more pure. Whether it is in the outlook or in the dressing and make–up, Shasha never pursues fashion too much.


'The elements of fashion can easily covers what makes you special naturally, and being natural and pure can enable the photographer see your whole outlook in a short time and that makes him think of the way to change your outlook, which provides him a space for imagination.


For appropriateness.


Shasha hopes the younger fellow can reconsider whether they are really suitable for being a model seriously and cut the loss as soon as possible. The industry of modeling attracts numerous young dream chasers because of its stunning apperiance, but behind the glamor it shows to the public lies fierce competition, crucial standard and hardship few people know.


Shasha has witnessed so many young people who were full of hope in their heart ended up into the dilemma because of the lack of precise evaluation of their own condition or being deceived by the unreal promise since she stepped into this industry.


It is true that everyone has his or her unique beauty, but not everyone meets the standard and demand of the modeling industry perfectly.


Shasha always spares no efforts to remind those youngsters hoping to pursue the modeling of knowing their condition clearly. She hopes that they can evaluate their appearance, body condition and expressiveness.


On the other hand, the suggestions of the older ones also play critcal role to these young people. They always tend to recognize precisely the new hands that have the potential to succeed by means of their experiences of striving in this industry for so many years. Though not one hundred precent correct, their suggestions still can be references to the majority of the young people.


So if a young man didn't receive positive feedback on being a model by the majority of the professionals, then perhaps he should reconsider whether he needed to choose another path that he could dedicate his time and energy properly.


As a saying goes that all roads lead to Rome, there are many ways to success and there exists a bigger world for people to explore other than the field of modeling. Shasha says the key is to face challenges bravely, make new attempts and make reasonable choices in a proper time, cutting loss and turning to the world that belongs.



Introducing the beauty of Xinjiang to the world in the future


In 2023, Shasha started her own wedding photography studio, which in Shasha's opinion, is "making money within my own perception."


As one of the top models in the domestic wedding photography industry, and having been in the business for ten years, Shasha has tried most of the wedding dress styles. But her career has also faced some challenges. On the one hand, Shasha is worried that the large number of shoots will make customers become aesthetically tired of her face; on the other hand, Shasha's looks are more European and American, which may not be very suitable for wedding styles such as Japanese and Korean that are popular nowadays.


Therefore, the wedding photography studio has become Shasha's new direction on this path. She plans to customize her shooting plans to meet the diverse needs of her customers so that each couple's happy moments can be unique. Through these efforts, Shasha intends to continue the "sweet" business of wedding photography.


Shasha also has more detailed plans for the future. In recent years, Shasha found that more and more parents in her hometown Xinjiang are willing to let their children engage in the modeling industry and receive professional modeling training.


Shasha also wants to provide more professional and systematic training for the young generation in her hometown. She understands that modeling training is not just a simple matter of teaching people how to walk and pose on stage, it is more of a comprehensive ability to enhance personal temperament, enhance self-confidence, and shape good social etiquette.


In addition, Shasha also plans to take advantage of the studio's platform to carry out a series of video creation and publicity that combine Xinjiang's unique natural scenery and humanistic customs.


She hopes to present the beauty of Xinjiang through high-quality photographs so that more people will recognize and fall in love with this land.


And so, as she has done every day for the past ten years, Shasha continues to love the modeling industry and is willing to work hard for it. And we, as in the past, continue to look forward to Shasha's path to go further and better.



The End


In the past ten years, a great many outstanding models have emerged in the Chinese modeling industry. With their unique Oriental faces, they show the beauty of China and convey the confidence and pride of Chinese nation on stage and camera.


Shasha was lucky to be one of them.


Shasha is from Xinjiang. She has all the qualities that the land gives her. Not only is she as sweet as the apples in Xinjiang, but also as tough as the mountains in Xinjiang.


After Shasha, more and more people from Xinjiang appeared in the modeling industry. The influence of them has allowed more people to learn that the beauty of Xinjiang lies not only in the picturesque views, but also in the diversity and unique charm of people from Xinjiang.


Of course, the beauty of Xinjiang on the models, is not only the frozen moment of the photo, but also the optimism and courage in them.


Shasha and other models are interpreting Xinjiang people in their own way, so that the world can see a more colorful, resilient and dynamic Xinjiang.



